
Showing posts from April, 2022

Physical Disability Australia

  As a Disabled Peoples Organisation (DPO), Physical Disability Australia (PDA) lives the ethos of ‘ nothing about us, without us ’ – people with disabilities informing advocacy and leading the change to enable every Australian living with a physical disability to realise their full potential.  Within PDA, I see the value of lived-experience with every decision we make and the real-world outcomes achieved through our advocacy. With charities, government bodies and corporations(entities) that deliver services for and interact with, marginalised and underrepresented communities, it is both an ethical obligation and a practical necessity for the work of these entities to be informed and shaped by members of these communities, and for meaningful participation of community members to occur within decision-making structures.  Commonly, meaningful participation within decision-making structures of entities involves reference groups, comprised of members of a marginalised community, specifica

The Benefits of Organic Apricot Oil For Hair

  Packed with nutrients, fatty acids, and antioxidants, apricot oil is a staple in many hair care routines. Known to revitalize, soften, and moisturize hair, this rejuvenating oil is all-natural and highly sought-after. The advantages of using apricot oil for hair maintenance are vast, and you’ll find some of the most prominent perks listed below.   Boasts Soothing Properties Infused with oleic acid, apricot oil effortlessly treats hair and scalp issues. As an omega-9 fatty acid, oleic acid provides hair follicles with essential proteins. Best of all, it makes hair softer and more supple. Many apricot oil users claim that their hair is much easier to manage due to the soothing properties found in oleic acid. Moisturizes With Ease Most notably, apricot oil combats dryness. When rubbed into the scalp, apricot oil offers unmatched hydration, providing much-needed relief to flaky scalps. With that said, for those who struggle with dandruff, apricot oil can prove a godsend. Above all else,

Development and application of global techno-economic parameters for selection and operation of transmission line conductors

  Abstract The financial implications of losses in transmission and distribution line conductors are analysed, with the introduction of two new universal parameters, viz. Financial Burden Constant (FBC) and Critical Operating Hours (COH). Each size of a transmission line conductor has a distinctive value of FBC and COH. Techno-economic issues related to transmission systems can very conveniently be addressed using these parameters. The uniqueness of these two constants lies in their ability to combine all the techno-commercial parameters associated with transmission lines and to assist in the comparison of all techno-economic issues from a global perspective. The paper demonstrates how the design and the selection, operation and renovation of the transmission line conductors can be carried out straightforwardly with the help of FBC and COH. These parameters form convenient and simple tools for evaluating transmission and distribution line projects and operating on a global platform.


  Background:   Bullying is a form of repetitive persecution both on physical and emotional aggressions and potentially causing mental and physical disorders on perpetrators and victims. There are various factors that may affect a child to behave as bullies. These are important factors to be identified as one of prevention effort to stop bullying behavior on children.  Objective:  This research aims to identify the association between emotional development and bullying behavior in children at the Elementary School No 7, Banyuasin Prajin, Palembang, Indonesia. Methods:  This was a correlation descriptive using a cross sectional design. This research has been conducted on November 21, until December 1, 2016 involving 85 children as respondents. The instruments used for this research were Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version, school-bullying questionnaire, parenting style questionnaire and peer influence questionnaire. Chi-square test was used for bivariate data analysis an